June 27, 2007

Baby Jack has arrived!!

He's here! My dear friend Jenni gave birth to her 4th little blessing on Monday morning...very fast I might add! Baby Jack looks very much like his brothers and sister. He's Hamm through and through.

Visiting the blessed mommy and her new bundle on Monday

Luke meeting his little brother for the first time. Isn't this precious?!?

Proud big sister with her 3rd little brother!

Congratulations guys!

June 26, 2007

Last Week

Last week was a crazy week! Vacation Bible School at church in the morning and swim lessons in the evening. The week before Danyel and the kids were here for a visit. Here's the update in pictures.

Cait at craft time...making cards for our missionaries

B wearing his VBS T-shirt. Who designed those ugly things?!?!

Mom couldn't resist helping her boy out with his craft project. They made butterflies out of their hand prints. SO cute!!!

B in his first swim lesson

Cait and David Pate in their lesson together

Baby Mia and Cait

Look at Mia's face!!!

What a crew!!!!

Feet! Sweet feet!

Cousins!!!! We LOVE our cousins!!!

Last week was a fun and exhausting week! Just thought I'd share some of the fun times with you!

June 21, 2007

Our Crazy English Language

My friend Amy e-mailed this to me. She thought I would appreciate it seeing as I will be teaching English very soon!!

Can you read these right the first time?
01) The bandage was wound around the wound.
02) The farm was used to produce produce.
03) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
04) We must polish the Polish furniture.
05) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
06) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
07) Since there is no time like the present , he thought it was time to present the present
08) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
09) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row .
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting, I shed a tear.
19) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
20) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England nor French fries in France .

Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
We take English for granted, but if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth, beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indixes? If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?

In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital, ship by truck and send cargo by ship, have noses that run and feet that smell?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be
the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill-in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm goes off by going on.

Why doesn't Buick rhyme with quick?

So funny!!

June 19, 2007

Thanks to Angel...

I now know how to post videos on my blog. Thanks for helping me out, girl!!
Here's the video of "Less Like Scars" by Sarah Groves. Not much of a video, but at least you can hear the song!!!

June 17, 2007

BIG week!

Well, I feel like I can't even remember the last time I posted on my blog. It has been forever! The main reason I have not is because there has been so much going on. Most of it I didn't want to share until I knew what the outcome would be. I have a new job for the fall!! I am very excited and more than a little nervous about it. I will be teaching 4th grade at Trinity Christian Academy in Addison. This is quite a stretch for me. See, I have a degree in Elementary Ed, but I haven't used it since I graduated. I have been teaching music instead. So, I am trusting in the peace that I have that God was in all of this. Here's how it came about:

About 4 weeks ago a friend at church that teaches at Trinity approached me and told me there was an opening at TCA. She insisted that God had laid me on her heart and asked me to please apply. Well, I wasn't planning on applying to a school like Trinity until next year. But, I prayed about it and I felt that it was the right thing to do to just apply. I mean, what were the chances that I would actually get hired at such an amazing school as Trinity, right?? Well, at the same time our pastor was doing a series on education in our afternoon services. He used to teach at Trinity years ago. He pretty much developed their curriculum for the English Department. He made a profound impact on that school. His wife, Mrs. Judy was the Assistant Principal for many years until she was diagnosed with cancer. I have two church friends that teach there as well. Well, in a small church that is a lot of people influenced by this school. So through all the teachings and discussions about education Trinity came up over and over again. I kept thinking, "Is God trying to tell m something, or what?"

So, I applied and the rest is history. I am shaking in my boots. I am overwhelmed to say the least with all that is ahead of me. I know full well that the first year will be hard, especially with Cait not being at the school with us yet (she will start next year).

I just thought I'd share our exciting news. I never even dreamed of going that route this year. But as I have learned day after day..."The heart of a man plans his ways, but God orders his steps." Proverbs 16:9

He always knows best.

June 11, 2007

I beg you...

If you have children, teach children or have any children in your life that you spend time with...I beg you to go read my friend Amber's most recent blog post. She recaps so eloquently the topic of scripture memory for children. These ideas changed my life and family 2 years ago at the first Children's Desiring God conference. Please find 10 minutes to sit and read her notes. They are a wealth of knowledge!