October 07, 2007

Shepherding a Child's Heart

A few weekends ago Park Cities Presbyterian Church put on a free conference open to anyone and everyone. They brought in two of my favorite authors; brothers, Ted and Paul Tripp. The conference was entitled "Shepherding a Child's Heart" which is based on Ted Tripp's book of the same name. That particular book has meant so much to me in the 5 and 1/2 years that I have been doing this parenting thing. It is "the" parenting book out there in my opinion. Anyway, the conference was wonderful, convicting and encouraging! I was so blessed by what these men had to say. Such a refreshing reminder of what God is calling us to do as Christian parents! For a split second in one of the Friday night sessions, I felt a little overwhelmed. I could feel myself going toward those unhealthy and wrong thoughts..."I can't do this on my own!!! How can I be single and be working so many hours a week and train my kids the way that I am supposed to? HOW?!?!" But just as soon as those thoughts entered my mind, truth swept in behind it and replaced those lies that Satan was trying to feed me.

There is NOTHING that God is calling me to do as a parent that He will not equip me to do and help me do. NOTHING! He knows where I am. He knows how many hours there are in my day with my kids. He knows that I'm doing this alone. He knows my desire to be obedient to HIM in parenting Benjamin and Cait as He has called me to do. He will pour out all the grace I need to be obedient! He will!!!

Isn't He a good God? He gives us all we need. All we have to do is ask and trust Him. Our cups will run over with His gifts for us.

I left there after the weekend feeling so inspired and spurred on. He will help me all along this path that He has placed me on. Isn't that the way it is with so many things in life? We think we can't handle it or do all that He is expecting us to do. But we should never despair, remembering the truth of His word!!


Dimple Queen said...

Tamra, you are an inspiration to me at the moment. I am not even going through the things you are going through and I have those same unhealthy thoughts of "I can't do this......" Thank you for the reminder that He fills our cup overflowing if we just ask! I need to get that book you talked about. I am having a "time" with our precious princes! I might blog about it later. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!


Kim said...

WE went to a Shepherding a Child's Heart conference years ago with Ted Tripp. It was so good for us! I,like you, think that is one of the best books on biblical parenting.
We are now in a class at church for the book *Age of Opportunity* by Paul David Tripp. I'm excited about this book,too!

I'm so thankful for your perspective on what God has called you today. He will give you everything you need to do it!

Jennifer Bacak said...

I also think this is 'THE' parenting book as well. We did a book discussion blog on it this summer that was really good. I'm sure the conference was great!