February 26, 2008

1ooth day of school meant that the Kindergarteners at TCA dress up like they are 100 years old. Funny, huh? Look at my little old man!!

We sprayed his hair gray, which is hard to see in the picture. He borrowed my assistant's cheap reading glasses (knowing they would probably get lost, and they did).

Seeing our frinds in class looking like they aged a little since yesterday!

When Cait was younger I was struggling with the idea that she didn't care for chocolate. I mean, seriously...how was I supposed to bond with a daughter that didn't share a mutual love for all things chocolate?!
Well as you can see, she is definitely over that little silly dislike! She loves to cook, but she loves to lick the spoon WAY more!


Amber Smith said...

Benjamin looks so CUTE!

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe how big the kids are getting. Just yesterday Benjamin turned six and now he's an old man! Ha-ha! Sorry, couldn't resist.
Cait has the most beautiful eyes. My mom calls them sunrise eyes. The bottom line is flat-ish and the upper lid arches up--Just like her mommy's beautiful eyes.
I miss you!!

Liz said...

Hey Tamara,

That is a cute idea for the 100 days of school.

As an aside I have been asking all of my friends to please sign the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) petition linked from my blog to keep homeschooling legal in California. Thanks I would greatly appreciate it. Liz