August 11, 2008


Well I would say that th kids got new bikes, but that's simply not the case. Cait got 2 hand-me-down bikes and we decided to make the most of them.

We cleaned them up, aired them up, tuned them up, fancied them up and then gave them to the kids. You would have thought they were brand new, amazing bikes that they had always wanted! I love those looks on their faces!


Now B has to learn without training wheels. It's about time, I know!!!!

Thank the Lord for helmets, knee and elbow pads!!! It makes this momma rest much easier during the learning process.


Anonymous said...

Fun stuff! I love it when kids think what you got them was great, no matter how not-new it is/

I know, I need to take Judah's training wheels off too, but I am so afraid to. He's 7 though, so i know it's past time.

have fun!

Amber Smith said...

Mary Alice still has her training wheels on too. I love to teach her to do all kinds of things. Riding bikes just isn't one of them. :)

Amber Smith said...

Also, the only bike I ever had as a kid was a rusty green one from a garage sale. I LOVED that ugly old thing!

Kimberly said...

Cool bikes! Or, as Violet would say, "Sweet!".

BTW, thanks for the help on the blog layout. I've been enjoying the new look. I couldn't have done it without ya!