April 07, 2008

Double-Timing Tooth Fairy

It happened! B lost his very first tooth!!! We have done some serious wiggling over the last month on that poor little tooth. We stepped up the diligent working on that baby tooth after we noticed that the permanent tooth had completely come in already behind it...very much in the wrong spot! Don't worry, I immediately set up a savings plan for braces. Braces start so much earlier these days! Did you notices all these 8, 9, 10 year old kids with braces these days? Like half of my 4th graders have or have already had braces. They do them in two stages these days. Those same kids will have them again in their early teens if needed, but for a shorter time.

Anyway...back to MY boy! I will try not to cry as I type this....He lost his tooth at school. I wasn't there when it happened. BUT, BUT, BUT.....his sweet teacher brought him straight up to the 4th grade hall to find me! Wasn't that precious? He was covered in blood and grinning from ear to ear with that little wad of paper towel stuffed in his mouth to stop the bleeding. All the 4th grade teachers were with me to scream and do a victory dance over the celebration of the tooth. It really was special, which made it a little easier on this mama that I wasn't there. I'm so trying to think about what I should be SO grateful for, instead of focusing on what I'm missing out on by not being at home with my kids! And this is one instance where I am so grateful!

So, because B lost his tooth on a Friday (his night at daddy's house) the tooth fairy visited Benjamin TWICE! Cool for him, right? (No, we don't do Santa or Easter bunny, but we do play tooth fairy. He's knows the fairy is mom and day, but he still plays along and it's fun for all of us!) This parenting thing is fun, y'all. Are you all having fun? I hope you are as much as I am! These are the moments we'll be talking about when they've got kids of their own. OH, I'm gonna cry again. Guess that's enough sap for one morning.

Have a blessed week you guys!


Christi said...

FUNNY! Grant lost his 1st tooth the week before while he and John were on a Cub Scout camp out! :) His tooth was already fully in behind this one, so he doesn't have that toothless grin! BUMMER! I hope to post some pics soon!
CONGRATS Benjamin! (Benji - as the kids would say! LOL!)

Angel said...

OH MY GOODNESS! HOW THOUGHTFUL! You are at the best school. That is wonderful. Angel