April 01, 2008

Bon Appetite!

So, Kindergarten outdid themselves again this week! To conclude a study on France, the students had a French Cafe and invited one special person to share it with. It was so elaborate and fun! All the little girls dressed in a Madeline costume and all the boys wore their regular uniform with a little beret. SO cute!!!

Here are the place settings that Benjamin made just for he and I. The menu has colored pictures of what we were being served.

Mrs. Goude, a Kindergarten assistant welcoming the parents...so funny!

Each Kindergartener paraded in to the song, "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast. Precious! B served me my plate and said, "Bon Appetite!"

He served me buttered french bread, strawberries, mini quiche, and cheese.
Here we are together...ooh, la, la!!!

After eating the éclairs that Benjamin made just for me, we all went back into the classroom for their Madeline presentation. They quoted the book to us, with each child having a segment of the book. So stinking cute, y'all! Here is B, my little ham. He does have some drama blood in him after all!

The kids thanked us for coming. They were saying, "Merci, Merci!"
I love Kindergarten and I'm so glad I get to do it again next year! Did I tell you all that Cait was accepted to Trinity? Yay! We're good to go now, as far as I can see for next year! We'll all be together.

1 comment:

Ashley McWhorter said...

Hey Tamra, it's Ashley! I found your blog through your sister, I think. :) Anyway, that presentation was the cutest thing I have EVER seen. Where in the world did they get all of those Madeline costumes? Lily loves those books! Hope you are doing well! And, yea for Cait being with y'all next year!!!!!! Take care!