May 16, 2007

Baby Mia Beth

Sweet baby girl!!!! Mia was dedicated to the Lord last Sunday by her mommy and daddy at church. What a cutie!!! Danyel said she was so happy the whole day, smiling and showing off!
Here she is with er mommy and daddy...

Here's big brother Eli joining in unwillingly to the picture

Mia also went to go visit her great-grandmother at the nursing home. She's all smiles there too!

Here's Mia hanging out with her brother in his big boy bed. They're bonding. It doesn't get any cuter than this folks!!

Danyel and the kids are coming for a visit th first part of June for a whole week. YAY!!! I can't wait!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Danyel and the kids are coming. I just thought of how special it must be for the two of you to both have children now and also that she's got an older boy and a younger girl just like you. What great mommy's the two of you are!!

And, her first two kids are the same age as my last two! (boy and girl, too)...can I join the club??

Love you friend,

Tamra Perkinson said...

Danyel is such a blessing to me. i so enjoy their visits. She could stay for weeks on end and I don't think I'd ever wish (secretly) that she would leave so I can get my routine back. She is my best friend! And her babies...who thinks they could love another child in the way they love their own? Well, I love Eli and Mia more than words!
But to answer your question...yes you can join our club!! There aren't too manyof us who had a boy first and then a girl about a year and a half later!! How crazy is that??