February 13, 2007

Yes, I had a flu shot!!!

I most certainly did and so did my children. Unfortunately, I think I still got the flu. Mild case, but not fun at all. It started Sunday. I felt sick and run down but I went to church any way. By the end of lunch I was shivering and all I could think of was my bed...and how I wanted to be in it! All day Monday I felt terrible, but taught all my classes trying not to touch or breath on anyone. Then came relief!!!! Chris came and picked up the kids Monday afternoon and brought me some hot tea (deja vu, right?) and then I could finally rest. I laid on the couch all afternoon and evening until time for bed. Today I feel better, but I feel like I've been beaten up. All my muscles ache, especially in my back. What is up with me?? I did have a flu shot, but I think I must have gotten just a mild case of it instead of the full-blown version of the flu. That I am grateful for! I've been sick so much this winter that I was starting to feel like I did this time last year. Hopefully I don't have mono again, but I was starting to wonder. My friend, Nurse Jeannie :-) reminded me that I've had a very stressful season in my life combined with working with snotty-nosed kids all day, everyday takes a toll on a person's body! I felt better after she told me that!

Well, I better run so I can get ready for tomorrow! I can't wait! Valentine's Day with my kids! They have no idea what awaits them tomorrow!! YAY!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay. You know me- the doctor's daughter- I have to remind you that taking a flu shot every year does not guarantee that you will not get the flu. I have never gotten a shot and have never gotten the flu... But you can bet that Rachel got a flu shot this year and I am so glad with all of the flu going around here! I am glad that you are feeling better though!!!