Happy Mother's Day to all you mommies out there! Wow! What a job, huh? It's a wonderful job, but what responsibility!!! When I stop to think of the sheer gravity of my role in Benjamin and Cait's life, I shudder. But how gracious our God is to give us what we need to accomplish the task He has set before us. He promises that He will provide grace for our shortcomings, wisdom when we lack it, forgiveness when we fail and to hear our prayers for our children! If we remain in the vine, then we will be supplied with all that we need. It's not about us at all, really! So as moms today, we should really be pointing back to our Savior in thanks for how he has sustained us and given us the strength and desire to do what we do everyday with our children.
Speaking of mother's day...Happy Mother's Day mom!! You and daddy blessed me so much this weekend. I can't thank you enough! Made a hard Mother's Day not so hard at all.
My sweet kids knew all about Mother's Day this year because of their teachers at the preschool they go to with me on Thursdays and Fridays. They each made me a gift and a very special card. That meant a lot to me this year. I have to share Benjamin's card with you. Too funny. It was one of those cards where the teacher composed it, but the kids filled in the blank. This is what it said:
"All About My Mom!
My mom's name is Ms. Tamra and she is 31 years old. Her favorite thing to eat is salad and her favorite color is pink. She likes to watch American Idol on TV. When we play together we like to play Hungry, Hungry Hippos. My mom is a mammal. I love her because she is beautiful.
Happy Mother's Day!
Love, Benjamin"
My son knows me so well! He hit everything right on (except the beautiful part, of course)! So funny that he acknowledged that I am a mammal!! Well, I am! And that I watch American Idol...how embarrassing!! But true!! I confess.
I had my doctor's appointment on Thursday last week They think they might have a good idea of what is causing my headaches. That is good news, because there's a good chance that they can be regulated if the diagnosis is accurate. I am having a hard time with the IDEA of the possible diagnosis. See, we think it might be hypothyroidism. Sounds harmless, and actually mostly is. Problem being, that this is very commonly brought on after a bad infection in your body...like Epstein Bar virus (Mono). I had mono last year and I had so much physical discomfort and pain and just plain exhaustion from it. The virus in and of itself was hard...but another complication on top of it? And the real root of the issue is that I now know how I got mono ...hind sight is 20x20 they say. It's so hard not to take that realization and let it sink down deep in me and plant itself like a little seed. I am fully aware of what that little seed would grow into...a full blown garden of bitterness and resentment. That type of garden is full of thorns and thistles and all kinds of hurtful things for the gardener himself. Why would I do that myself? I'm the one who would ultimately suffer even more. No thanks. But, it is a daily...NO, minute by minute struggle not to let it take root. I have to talk to myself rather than listen to myself. Tell myself truth. "God was in all of this, Tamra. There is a plan...He's not finished yet. This is part of your sanctification. Stop complaining! This is for your good, not your harm! What you are sowing now, you will reap later!"
If you think of it, you could pray for me in this struggle. It's HARD!
Well, I've been without my computer for 4 days and ow I have it back. I missed it! Thank you to Jeff for spending hours an hours on my silly computer! and thank you Jenni for sacrificing time with your husband so he could be up int he study working on MY computer! How annoying that must have been!
The start of a new week. Ready or not, it's here. I'm ready! I'm feeling hopeful! I hope it is a blessed week for you!
Thanks for all those of you who are praying for me! It means so much to me!! I'll let you know if I find out anything.
May 13, 2007
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Happy Mother's Day to you!
I read what I wrote about my "issues" with headaches that sounded similar to yours. How stupid I sounded!! I didn't mean to sound so pathetic. Until I re-read what I wrote, I thought I was comforting you with assurances that you would be okay.. that it only seemed so bad now. I am one who needs reassurances and I was trying to give them. However, that's not what I sounded like and I'm sooo sorry! I think I just rambled. Weird.
Anyway, the hypothyroidism would make sense. I actually have a diagnosed thyroid condition--Hashimoto's disease, which is hypothyroidism--so I wonder if that's what my headaches could have been. I know--thanks to blood work--that my thyroid was off during that time. Interesting that my doctor never suggested it. Anyway, the thyroid problem sounds worse than it is. I was scared when my doctor told me 4 years ago but it's been no big deal... except that I had to get used to needles. It is easily treated and they monitor you well to keep your levels in range. You'll be feeling better in no time. The fatigue is hard now but you will get better. :)
I'm praying for you,
Laura, you did not sound pathetic! I read and reread your post many times. IT gave me ideas as well as encouragement. AND I totally related to the drama thing. I was starting to get worried that it was something major! My mom (love you mom! :-) kept telling me she thought it was a brain tumor!! I was starting to wonder. Ya know, when you are a relatively healthy person snd then all of the sudden you get one thing...and then it wrecks the rest of your body and causes all these other problems ad you think, "I'm falling a part! This body's not gonna make it to 95." But then you get over it (oh, I hope!)and go on with your life and you kind of forget.
So, no...you were no pathetic and you were very encouraging. Thank you! Glad YOU'RE feeling better!!!
Tamra, here's some good stuff on hyperthyroidism...
Diagnosis revisions
Mercola archive
You know Mindy and me...always there to sleuth a problem. :)
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