September 13, 2006

Abundant grace

I know I need to report the details of our last 2 weekends (which were full!). However, I have been COMPLETELY overwhelmed over the last few days with all the "work" stuff that had to be done. Things are slowing as they do every week around Wednesday. I feel like I can catch my breath now. My precious friend Julie is watching my children for me today while I teach at Children's Park. Such a good feeling to know they will be with her! She is wonderful! Thank you Julie!!!
I really wanted to post today to tell you of the grace that God has given over the last few days. Sunday night the kids were with Chris, which will always be sad for me to a certain degree. I had a week's worth of work to do in one evening. I had lesson plans for 2 classes (with songs to memorize), lesson plans for C.P. to write, and my boss was expecting my lesson overview for the entire year on Tuesday! I had put so many things aside because of my company this weekend. I also was sleep deprived in a major way. I asked the Lord to help me, but it all came down to the wire. Sunday night I was studying my lessons and literally falling asleep at my desk. I drank a Spark which helped. I got lessons for 2 classes done. By then it was 11:30 and I couldn't function any longer! I went to bed and set my alarm for 5:00am. By God's grace...even though I seriously needed sleep, He woke me up at 4:45...WIDE awake. I felt refreshed. I went upstairs and was able to finish everything I needed to finish just in time. Also, my classes that day went great. To add to this blessing from the Lord, I have had 4 new students sign up for classes in this week alone!!! Yea, Yea, YEA!!

I just knew that lots of you would care to hear these things and would rejoice along with me that God is so good and so faithful to His children. Do pray, though for my kids. They have been having behavior issues this week. I think we are bearing the bad fruit of a busy mommy, an unpredictable life and a stressful family situation over the last month. Please pray that God will give me grace in this area to be consistent, plan ahead and to spend time with my kids investing in them. Pray that He will give me the grace of patience too! I have to figure out this new way of life and cover all the bases on my own now. I need grace to know what that should look like. Thank you to everyone praying. It makes this road so much easier knowing that you're not walking alone.

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