December 15, 2006

Weekend Update

Just to fill in some blanks...
  • Danyel is still pregnant! She is due on Sunday, the 17th, but no sign of Mia yet. i wanted Mia to wait until I could get there on Tuesday, so we'll see if she cooperates with her auntie. Danyel is scheduled to be induced on Tuesday if she hasn't had the baby by then. I hope for her sake that she won't have to be induced.
  • Church Christmas party was tonight. I love our church family! They are so loving and kind. All the men really look out for can tell. I see them seize little opportunities to teach him something or talk with him. It's so sweet and yet so completely depressing at the same time. I can't help but bawl writing this and thinking about it. His daddy should be there teaching him how to have good manners, how to be a good friend and how to play foosball with the best of them. He should be there. But he's not. If I had a dollar for every time that I've asked God to fill in the gaps for my children and help them not be scarred by this mess...I'd be a rich woman. They truly are in His hands.
  • I've decided NOT to report the guy from the symphony. After thinking it through, the only real reason I want to report him is because of the principle of the matter. I love to defend the principle!
  • I got a gift card to Bath and Body works from one of my students. I also had coupon. I bought an I-pod there that was on clearance. After all was said and done, it cost me $5. Yes, I said $5. I'm certain it is a crappy machine, but it will do the trick on the treadmill for me! YAH!
  • I get to sleep in in the morning! I don't even remember what that is like! Don't you dare call me before 9:00 (unless you're Danyel and you're in labor)!! My kids weren't in bed until 10:30 because of the party and I gave them strict instructions to get books when they wake-up, so I just might get away with a morning to snooze in. It's the little things, right?

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