March 06, 2007

I read something on the world-wide web last night that was ...well disturbing. Or should I say, it had the potential to be utterly devastating to me. But instead of being sad or depressed, I found that I wasn't really shaken at all. I had this strange sense of separation from the whole thing. I didn't realize it until this morning when I thought of a conversation I had with a friend concerning this very thing. And the thought came to me...this is healing. Am I healed? No. But I'm catching a glimpse of real healing. I wasn't heart-broken. I wasn't destroyed or even sad.

Today has been good after I made this little realization. Will I ever move past this season of constant pain and ripping? Yes, I will. I already am. God is working in me. He's changing me, He's caring for me and healing me. There is no greater comfort than knowing that the God of the universe loves you and is binding up your wounds. There is no other comfort in all of the world than that right there.


Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what it could have been......Isnt it amazing the way God protects His beloved!!!Call me anytime, I feel like such a useless friend but I can pray and listen! I pray you have a great end of the week and weekend! My thoughts and prayers are always with you. Cynthia

sterjenmademm said...

I can relate in my own life to what you are saying, and I know how awesome it feels to realize healing has actually begun...and not just something you hoped would happen or perhaps thought never would. I love your blog....I love your faith and your example. You are amazing.
Love you,

Tamra Perkinson said...

Thanks guys! You both are so sweet! You know, the older I get the more I realize that we all have trials. They look different and they come at different seasons of our lives, but they come to all Christians. We're actually promised that in the Bible. To an unbeliever I'm sure it sounds foolish that we would want to endure hardship and count it all joy, but we know the truth! We know that suffering and trials are so often the instruments that God uses to sanctify us. They are tools in the hand of the wise Potter who knows exactly what He is forming in this lump of clay.
The reminders of pain and suffering that come with this world and our sinful flesh, should make us long for heaven when we will finally be free from it all! We're all just waiting to go home!