January 05, 2007

Lesson Learned

NEVER close your eyes while on the treadmill, no matter how much you are enjoying the song on your IPod.....
you will fall off.

Have you ever rolled around on the floor laughing at yourself, even when there was no one there to laugh with you? Well, I did today and I quite enjoyed it. The endorphines got me so pumped up (Spark helped also) that I ran for an extra 5 minutes. Thank God I didn't have my weights in my hands yet when I fell off. Always something to be thankful for, right??



Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there for that. I would have helped you laugh for sure! Sounds like something I would do. By the way, those pictures are too cute.

Christi said...

Oh my goodness! I am laughing with you! My children are looking at me funny ... saying, "what, what is it, Mom?"
Have a great weekend!
Love ya

Amber Smith said...

Oh no! You silly girl! I'm glad you were able to laugh about it!